What are my housing options at Skyview?
There are several different housing options available at Skyview. A large majority of our students find housing via online sources as a lower cost option as many rooms for rental are available in our area. There are also serveral apartment complexes in our area, apartments can be rented by an individual or with others sharing a place. Skyview can assist with finding students to share rooms, this will vary depending on students incoming and graduating.

What are the estimated costs for housing?
The cost of housing will vary depending on the selected option, for someone sharing a house or apartment, anticipated cost is approximately $800 per month. This cost will vary depending on how many students are sharing a room or for someone living independently they can expect the cost to double.
Do I have to live near Campus?
You don’t have live within a specific radius of campus, HOWEVER you are required to provide your own transportation to and from. ALSO you are required to be on campus a for a minimum number or hours per week, living too far from campus may have an effect on your status and studying so please keep that in mind.